Student Reviews

Our Students regularly send us positive feedback about our Legal Secretary courses and our team.

Read about how our Students have enjoyed their studies and how their qualifications have helped them secure Legal Secretary jobs.

We have a wide range of Students - from those who have no previous experience in law to experienced Legal Secretaries who want to gain a formal qualification. We also have law graduates who study our course to gain practical skills and get their foot in the door. ILSPA's Students are based in the UK and around the world in places such as Dubai, Hong Kong and the Cayman Islands.

Our team loves receiving feedback from our Students as it makes our work so worthwhile. We are passionate about our roles and enjoy helping people with their Legal Secretary careers.

References to cases was really good

Easy to follow instructions and lots of information to take in. References to cases was really good as I could check these out online and gain a further insight into how things can go very wrong in some cases which can prove to be very expensive when cases are taken to court. I was already working with a Solicitors as a Wills and Probate Secretary, but had no previous experience.

ILSPA were there and they were fantastic

It was a great experience being able to study on my own timeframe and if I needed help with anything about the course ILSPA were there and they were fantastic. I am already working in the legal field as a Post Completion Assistant.

I highly recommend this course for any legal secretaries wanting to uplift their career

Excellent course and a great team to guide you with any kind of assistance required. The effort put on providing assignment feedback is really appreciable. I highly recommend this course for any legal secretaries wanting to uplift their career. I have already recommended it to two of my friends. I have 8 years of experience as a legal secretary, but was lacking a formal certification in the legal field. Having gained the ILSPA Diploma certificate, I am now more confident to apply to the secretary positions in bigger International law firms.

I find the ILSPA courses outstanding

I have completed two courses with ILSPA and I have had an excellent experience on both - the feedback was swift and incredibly helpful. I find the ILSPA courses outstanding and I have recommended the Institute highly to those around me. I took the courses in order to gain a further understanding of the different options available to me - I have a prior qualification in law from many years ago and in my current job my intention was to pursue other opportunities. I wanted to find which field I was most interested and confident in.

I wholeheartedly recommend this course

The study material served as a valuable reference, making the coursework easily understandable through real-life scenarios. The positive assessment feedback and prompt assistance from the help desk enhanced my learning experience. Earning this diploma not only fuelled my motivation but also swiftly paved the way for a New Year promotion. I wholeheartedly recommend this course.