In support of mental health awareness week, ILSPA would like to express how much we value mental health in the workplace and at home. Certain situations arise in life that can lead us to place where we feel confused, overwhelmed and not able to cope mentally. These circumstances can happen to anyone, at any age, from whatever walk of life we come from. 

It would be great to end the stigma associated with mental health disorders so that people can speak openly about their thoughts and feelings. We need to help each other, whether it is family, a friend or a colleague who needs support. The mental health charity Mind, offers positive advice to people who are going through difficulties or would like to help others.

If you know someone you would like to support emotionally, they recommend the following steps:

  • Listen
  • Offer Reassurance
  • Stay calm
  • Be patient
  • Try not to make assumptions
  • Keep social contact

You can find further information here.