The National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP) is the UK’s oldest established and foremost professional membership body for paralegals. It is also the only paralegal professional membership body that is also recognised by the Office of Qualifications and Examinations (Ofqual) to offer fully regulated paralegal-specific qualifications. NALP is also recognised as an End Point Assessment Organisation for the Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship Standard.
Paralegals are the fastest-growing group of professionals in the Legal Sector today. Paralegals do not only work in law firms but also form a major part of in-house legal departments for many larger organisations and local councils, etc. Many also provide services directly to clients as Professional Paralegal Practitioners, offering access to justice at a reasonable cost.
As a Legal Secretary or PA gaining paralegal qualifications is a great way to develop your career. You may be doing some legal work already as part of your role or be planning to do so, in which case qualifications will add to your credibility, recognition and career prospects.
- NALP can offer qualification pathways for those interested in becoming a paralegal.
- NALP offers their members a range of benefits, such as:
- Opportunity for a one-to-one chat with our Patron, Amanda Hamilton, which is particularly popular with those looking for advice as to how to get into being a paralegal
- Ongoing advocacy for the role of the paralegal in the legal sector
- Representation at legal services forums via the CEO’s involvement
- Links with various legal recruitment agencies offering employment for paralegals
- For members who meet the criteria of qualifications and experience, the option to apply for a ‘License to Practice’, providing assurance to potential clients that their credentials and insurance have been checked
- Link with a specialist insurance broker to source the most cost-effective and appropriate professional indemnity insurance for those wanting to provide services directly to the public
- Opportunity to be included on the National Paralegal Register so that potential clients can find the members’ details and areas of legal expertise
- NALP launched and supports National Paralegal Day with events held in November annually
The National Association of Licensed Paralegals (NALP) is a non-profit membership body and the only paralegal body that is recognised as an awarding organisation by Ofqual (the regulator of qualifications in England). Through its Centres around the country, accredited and recognised professional paralegal qualifications are offered for those looking for a career as a paralegal professional.
Web: http://www.nationalparalegals.co.uk
Twitter: @NALP_UK
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NationalAssocationsofLicensedParalegals/
LinkedIn -https://www.linkedin.com/company/national-association-of-licensed-paralegals/