The January edition of DEDICATED - The Legal Secretary Journal is now available online.

Happy New Year! The start of a new year offers the opportunity of a fresh start. It's a time to reassess our lives and redefine our goals. By taking note of the positives from the previous year, we can decide what we want to carry into the new one. With this in mind, we have a selection of articles which we hope will provide you with inspiration.

If you would like to set some new year goals for your career, take a look at our lead article. It will motivate you to think about what you would like to achieve over the coming months. There are some useful tips on how to focus on positive beliefs and banish any blockages which could stand in your way.

Perhaps one of your goals is finding a new job? If this is the case, you might want to read Simply Law's advice on how to have a successful Zoom interview. Zoom interviews are becoming increasingly commonplace in this digital age. The tips given will ensure you are both prepared and confident if this opportunity presents itself to you. We also have a useful article from Mike Bell, who offers advice on how to bring up remote working when applying for new roles. Remote and hybrid working is more popular than ever, and many candidates have it high on their list of desires when looking for work.

Not everyone will be using the new year to secure a new job. Some of you will be planning on improving your current roles and skills. If this applies to you, then why not read part two of our "Assess your Legal Admin Skills" series where Seamus Ryan explains how to create a personal development plan. You can also check out Julie Perrine's advice on how to go digital with your admin procedures. These helpful articles will enable you to streamline your work procedures and fill any gaps you have in your skill set.     

Whatever your goals are for 2023, ILSPA is here to help and support you every step of the way!