Dr. Gerbrand Tholen from the Department of Sociology and Criminology, City, University of London would like to invite UK-based legal secretaries to participate in a research study.
What is the purpose of the study?
In the last few decades, many experts have tried to understand how occupations have changed under the influence of new technologies, globalisation, and developments in work and procedures.
So-called “middle occupations”, often white-collar workers in administrative roles or technicians, have faced some of the biggest changes to their work. As the use of both technology and A.I. increase, we can expect further changes to these roles.
Many assumptions are made about these occupations, and there is a need to understand how these roles are evolving. So, the study investigates three middle occupations: legal secretaries, medical secretaries and draughtspersons. It assesses the changing nature of work, including skill requirements, educational requirements, and career trajectories.
The study relies on interviews with those who work, and we are looking for legal secretaries to talk about their work and experiences.
Why should you take part?
Yet, there is a need to understand better what is happening to these middle occupations. Your experiences and views can really contribute to what is currently known about this topic. Participants will receive all the publications from the study if they are interested.
What will happen if you take part?
You will be asked to take part in a 45-60 minute interview.
The interviews are friendly and informal conversations about your experiences of work, your views on your occupation and the labour market. The interviews will be online and be on either Zoom or Teams. The conversation will be recorded with a voice recorder (no video). Taking part in the study will be kept confidential.
If you decide to take part, you will be asked to sign a consent form. You are free to withdraw at any time and without giving a reason.
The researcher
Dr Gerbrand Tholen is a Reader in Sociology and studies work and employment. His work looks at occupations, skill, careers, education, and the future of work.
The funder
This study is funded by the Edge Foundation, an independent, politically impartial foundation, inspiring the education system to give all young people the knowledge, skills & behaviour to flourish. You can find more information on: https://www.edge.co.uk/
Please email Gerbrand.tholen@city.ac.uk, if you are interested.