Simply Law Jobs have recently published data which outlines the average salaries for legal professionals here. The data is based on the job adverts which were posted on their job site in 2017-18.

You will see that there has been an increase in salaries for Legal Secretaries of 7.59% which is great news. Whilst the average salary for a Legal Secretary is listed as £22,347.46, keep in mind that Simply Law Jobs advertise vacancies throughout the UK with low income areas reducing the overall figure. Starting salaries in London tend to be around £18,000-£20,000 a year and Legal Secretaries with lots of experience can earn up to £45,000 a year! The more experience you acquire, the higher salary you can receive.

If you are interested in working your way up the ladder and becoming a Paralegal or Solicitor, the data provided by Simply Law Jobs will also give you an idea on what you can expect to earn in the future.