We are currently in the midst of Mental Health Awareness week. This valuable time started on 15 May and runs until 21 May. Various organisations have got involved and aim to highlight some of the struggles we experience. Some organisations have created themes and are focusing on different areas which affect our mental health and our ability to function well in life. Mental Health UK and the Mental Health Foundation are tackling anxiety, whilst Mind is helping people who have been affected with the current cost of living crisis. You can find some very useful information and resources on their websites.

Legal Secretaries and PAs need support for their mental health just as much as others. We all go through periods of our life where we experience challenges and it is important to know that there are organisations out there offering advice and guidance. You may be having issues at work which make you feel anxious, such as managing a heavy workload or dealing with difficult clients. You might even be trying to work out whether you can stay in your current job as the pay is not enough now that the cost of living has risen. It is always best to reach out and get the support you need. Your feelings are valid and there are some great tools which can help you.

ILSPA loves a publication called Positive News. They have expressed "While most of the news overwhelms people with negative narratives, instead Positive News is here to offer a lens on the world that helps give people a fuller picture of reality, supports their wellbeing and empowers them to make a positive difference." It is believed that this form of journalism is very good for our mental health. Positive News has published an uplifting article on how to boost your mental health. It has been put together from contributions by their readers. The article provides some excellent tips that will help you to get back on track if you have been struggling recently.