It is always interesting to find out the reason why Students choose to study our Legal Secretaries Diploma. We pride ourselves on offering a course that is suitable for people of all different levels of experience and career backgrounds, and for this reason, we have a diverse range of Students enrolled with us. Sian enrolled with ILSPA after relocating to the UK from South Africa. Having studied Law for a year at the University of South Africa, she was keen to continue to pursue her love of Law after her move.

In this interview, Sian speaks about how she enrolled with ILSPA to help prepare herself to study her LLB Hons under a new legal system. She also explains how this course helped her grow her confidence ready for her studies.    

What were you doing before you joined ILSPA?

Originally from South Africa, I relocated to the UK in March 2022.  I had just completed the first year of my LLB through the University of South Africa.

Why did you decide to do ILSPA's Legal Secretaries Diploma course?

After some research I came across ILSPA and I felt the content of the course would provide a solid understanding on the foundational legal procedures and concepts. The flexibility to do the course online was especially beneficial as I work full time. 

What knowledge and skills did you gain through your studies?

The course has solidified my understanding of legal concepts and procedures across multiple disciplines. I felt the most beneficial part to be the practical engagement - the way the course is structured requires both a high attention to detail, and a strong understanding of the content in order to produce various legal forms and documentation. The scenarios in the assessments prompt you to really digest the material and translate this understanding to real life settings.

What are your future career goals?

I am currently studying my LLB Hons with business through the university of Essex. My long term goal is to be in-house legal counsel, with special focus on ESG compliance. My ultimate goal is to have my own consultancy - providing specialist legal advice in the environmental/sustainability arena

I also have a keen interest in human rights law, and I would eventually like to pursue my Masters - not entirely sure how I will combine these two fields but I’m confident the vision will mould over time!

How do you believe the Legal Secretaries Diploma has helped with your goal?

This course has definitely built my confidence and motivated my pursuit - it’s formed a significant step in my educational development and supported my transition into my LLB.

Prior to the course, I was eager to build up my legal knowledge in the UK landscape before launching into my degree. Despite some commonalities in English law, the South African legal system is uniquely mixed, this course helped me build on my existing knowledge and provided a framework. It’s been hugely beneficial in closing the educational gap.

If you are interested in studying our Legal Secretaries Diploma like Sian, or are interested in one of our other courses, please visit the course page of our website.